martedì 30 luglio 2013

Eating Disorder Survey

E' una sorta di test che ho trovato spulciando su Tumblr, proviamo...
Eating Disorder Survey
Age: 14
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 49.4
Current Goal weight: 49
Ultimate Goal weight: 48
Lowest weight: 48.8
Highest weight: 55.8
Favorite Diet Food: carote.
Favorite Binge Food: tutto.
Favorite exercise: pattinaggio su terra
Does anyone know? solo qui sul blog, fuori no.
What makes you slip up? Uscire e vedere ragazze perfette, magre e alte; prendere peso; vedere cibo che non mangio mai davanti a me.
What makes you strong? bere tè verde, acqua e limone, non avere fame.
When did it start? quando ero in Canada, ero circondata da ragazze alte e bellissime, così ho iniziato a contare le calorie etc..
What do you see when you look in the mirror? brutta, grassa, potrei essere meglio più magra.
Is it for attention? no, per niente. è per me stessa. Non ho autostima e perdere peso sarebbe di aiuto.
Are you the fat or the thin one in your group of friends? più o meno entrambi, dipende dai casi. Molte volte però quella grassa.
Are you depressed? forse, non lo so bene nemmeno io.
Ever tried to commit suicide? No, non voglio nemmeno provarci. Voglio dimagrire, non mettere fine alla mia esistenza.
Ever cut yourself? no..
Ever been to a psychologist? nope.
Lost weight? si
Gained weight? ovviamente, sennò non mi odierei tanto.
Do you drink? no

Do you smoke? no
Do you take drugs? no

Does your weight affect your mood? certamente, anche troppo.
Do you weigh yourself daily? ogni mattina dopo essere andata in bagno e prima di fare colazione.
Have you ever fasted? una volta e..mezza? La prima per 24 ore, la seconda dalle 10 di notte del giorno prima fino all'ora di cena..
Have you ever skipped a meal? si, quando posso..
Have you ever spit food out? si..

[] anorexic
[] bulimic
[] living off laxative/diet pills
[x] hungry
[] thirsty
[x] drinking something
[] Under 100lbs
[]fasting/starving myself

[]ask if I’m anorexic/bulimic
[X] have called me fat
[X] have said I’m skinny
[] have said I’m ugly
[x] have said I’m pretty
[x] spread rumors about me
[x] forced me to eat
[x] say I eat too much
[x] wish I’d eat more
[x] don’t know I’m anorexic/bulimic/ednos

[X] I was THIN
[X] I had a better body
[X] I didn’t have to eat
[X] I could control myself
[?]I was under 100lbs
[X] I could avoid food
[X] I could hide what I am
[X] I wasn’t fat
[X] I was pretty

[] feeling hungry
[X] seeing a difference when fasting
[] shaking
[X] feeling airy
[X] losing weight
[X] green tea
[] diet pills
[X] being able to turn down food
[X] feeling good about myself

[X] I think I’m ugly
[] I have many scars
[] I wish my hair was a different colour
[] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color
[]I have a tattoo
[X] I am self-conscious about my appearance
[x] I have/had braces
[] I wear glasses/contacts
[] I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free
[x] I’ve been told I’m attractive by a complete stranger
[] I have more than 2 piercings
[] I have piercings in places besides my ears
[poche]I have freckles

[] I’ve sworn at my parents
[] I’ve run away from home
[] I’ve been kicked out of the house
[X] My biological parents are together
[] I have a sibling less than one year old
[X] I want to have kids someday
[] I’ve had children
[] I’ve lost a child
[] I can’t have children 

[X]I’m single
[] I’m in a relationship
[]I’m seeing someone
[] I’m engaged
[] I’m married
[] I’ve gone on a blind date
[] I’ve been the dumpee more than the dumper
[X]miss someone right now
[X] I have a fear of abandonment
[] I’ve cheated in a relationship
[] I’ve gotten divorced
[X] I’ve had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back
[] I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t
[x] I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did
[] I’ve kept something from a past relationship
[] I’ve been ‘the other woman’

[X] I’ve fallen asleep crying
[X] I’ve lost weight
[X] I’ve gained weight
[X] My weight holds me back
[X] Weight consumes me
[] I’m at my thinnest
[] I’m at my biggest
[X] I’ve lost weight and kept it off
[X]I’ve lost weight but gained it back
[X] My weight affects my mood
[x] I weigh myself daily
[X] I am jealous of everyone smaller than me
[x] I thrive on compliments

[X]I hate compliments
[X] I want to tell people to “stop lying” when they compliment me
[X] I feel bigger than people who are my size
[X] I feel happy when I’m hungry
[X] I get depressed after I eat
[X] I’ve skipped a meal
[X] I’ve thrown food away
[X] I’ve spit food out
[X] I’ve fasted
[] I’ve taken diet pills
[] I’ve used laxatives
[] I’ve purged
[X] I exercise
[] I exercise so I can eat
[x] I work out secretly
[] I work out daily
[] I’ve fainted from exhaustion

[] Weed
[] Cigarettes
[] Diet pills
[] Pain killers
[] Sleeping pills
[] Anti-depressants/Mood supporters
[] Ecstasy
[] LSD
[] Mushrooms
[] Speed
[] Cocaine
[] Other

[X] I keep my eating habits a secret
[X] I look at thinspo
[] I collect thinspo
[X] I count calories
[X] I’ve had negative intake days
[X] I avoid food
[X] I hate food
[X] I love food
[X] I want to be this way
[X] I don’t want to be like this
[X] I wish I could have more control
[X] losing weight is my top priority
[] I am in treatment
[X] I’m doing this for me
[] I’m doing this for someone
[X] I’m doing this to prove myself

Se non avete altro da fare provatelo...aiuta a sfogarsi giusto un pochino..

7 commenti:

  1. Ci somigliamo un sacco credo... Ho un anno più di te e alla tua età pesavo esattamente quanto te, ora però sono ingrassata... Sono partita anch'io dai 54 kg, nemmeno io fumo, nemmeno io mi taglio, anch'io voglio dimagrire per l'autostima soprattutto... Credo che farò questo "test" anch'io, è stato interessante leggere il tuo e spero che per gli altri possa esserlo anche leggere il mio! :)

  2. Sono felice di sapere che qualcuno prova gusto a leggere i miei post,anche se lunghi *^*
    Se lo farai lo leggerò sicuramente, promesso!

  3. 49 kili per un 172 cm??? ma sei magrissima!!
    comunque anch'io ho fatto il test... spero non ti dispiaccia =)

    1. Non sembro così magra..><
      No per niente, anzi! mi fa felice sapere che piaccia anche ad altre persone :)

  4. ciao capito qui per caso...mi piace=)
    ti seguo

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